We invite authors to submit their papers for the 2nd cycle of submissions of the 41st ACM SIGMOD-SIGACT-SIGAI Symposium on Principles of Database Systems, PODS, which is planned to take place in Philadelphia, USA, from June 13th to June 15th, 2022. For over 40 years, PODS has been the leading conference in the theoretical aspects of data management, bringing together different communities such as logic and languages, knowledge representation, data…
A blog on the Theoretical Foundations of Data Management

The University of Warsaw is now accepting applications for a postdoctoral position in database theory and knowledge representation. The position is for 36 months, starting on March 1, 2022 at the earliest. The funding is provided by a 5-year grant from Poland's National Science Center on the project "Infinity in reasoning about data and knowledge". Applications must be received by December 3, 2021. For…
A postdoctoral research position is available at Birkbeck, University of London. The successful candidate will be hosted by Hubie Chen and will work on the computational complexity of database query evaluation and related topics. The position, which is funded by a grant from UK's EPSRC, is offered for 1 year, with the possibility of a 1-year extension.
Key dates: the application deadline is November 26, 2021; the starting date is flexible.

We solicit nominations for the ICDT 2022 Test of Time Award for the ICDT 2012 paper that has had the most impact in terms of research, methodology, conceptual contribution, or transfer to practice.
The ICDT 2022 ToT Award Committee consists of Antoine Amarilli (Télécom Paris, Institut polytechnique de Paris, France), Alin Deutsch (University of California San Diego, United States), and Emanuel Sallinger (TU Wien, Austria).
If you feel that a paper…

We invite submissions for the 41st ACM SIGMOD-SIGACT-SIGAI Symposium on Principles of Database Systems, PODS, which is planned to take place in Philadelphia, USA, from June 13th to June 15th, 2022. For over 40 years, PODS has been the leading conference in the theoretical aspects of data management, bringing together different communities such as logic and languages, knowledge representation, data mining, algorithms, web science, and privacy, with the…

The 2021 edition of EDBT/ICDT took place online, and featured a session on climate change, the second one taking place at that conference. I chaired this session, and we had the pleasure of having Benjamin Pierce (University of Pennsylvania and Clowdr CIC) as an outside guest.

The Department of Information Engineering and Computer Science (DISI) of the University of Trento is looking for a PhD candidate in the research area of "Data Intelligence" (the deadline is by mid April).
The interested candidate would work with me on "Knowledge-enriched data management", a field of Artificial Intelligence that lies at the intersection of data management and knowledge representation and reasoning. Major challenges in this field include the…

PODS 2021 accepted papers (from both submission cycles):
Albert Atserias and Phokion Kolaitis
Structure and Complexity of Bag Consistency
A. Pavan, N. V. Vinodchandran, Arnab Bhattacharya and Kuldeep S. Meel
Model Counting meets F0 Estimation
Batya Kenig and Dan Suciu
A Dichotomy for the Generalized Model Counting Problem for Unions of Conjunctive Queries…

Edinburgh, March 29 - April 1, 2022
About ICDT
ICDT is a series of international scientific conferences on research of data management theory (https://databasetheory.org/icdt-pages). Since 2009, it is annually and jointly held with EDBT (Extending Data Base Technology).

ICDT 2021 Accepted Papers
Kaleb Alway, Eric Blais and Semih Salihoglu. Box Covers and Domain Orderings for Beyond Worst-Case Join Processing
Markus L. Schmid and Nicole Schweikardt. A Purely Regular Approach to Non-Regular Core Spanners
Shaleen Deep and Paraschos Koutris. Ranked Enumeration of Conjunctive Query Results
Shangqi Lu and Yufei Tao. Towards Optimal Dynamic Indexes for Approximate (and Exact) Triangle Counting